The Family and Friends Awareness has been developed in accordance with our Mission and Vision statements. We believe that we need to maintain contact with many of the individuals who may not be able to attend luncheons, are living out of the city of Edmonton, or may not have access to the computer or the websites.
Members of the Family and Friends Awareness – 250-299-2886 are attempting to contact individuals who are widows or widowers to keep in touch.
If anyone has any information about someone they would like the Committee members to contact, please e-mail Bev Atkey,
If anyone would like to assist with this Committee or would like more information, once again, please contact Bev.
Family and Friends Awareness Members
Bev Atkey, Family and Friends Awareness – 250-299-2886
Betty Bellanger 780-405-1320
Fay Goss 780-907-4603
Gary Jones 780-467-2004
John Ratcliff 780-405-1585
Shirley Stewart 780-719-7605